Current Newsletter Spring 2024
IFMR International Newsletter (The Rear View) Volume-2 2024
Mt Morgan Ride QLD July 2024.
If you are a Rotarian or a friend of Rotary who rides a motorcycle,
this is the Fellowship for you. (by PP Peter Brown)
(watch this 'YouTube' video link below)
IFMR Australia - This is what IFMR is all about...
Jim (Australia) and Srikanth (India)
The House of Friendship Exhibit Hall
at the Rotary International Convention,
Welcome from our President:
Greetings & Welcome to members and friends of IFMR
I'm in IFMR because it is about something I love….'Making Motorcycling Friends Here in Oz and around the World'. It’s a simple, straightforward purpose that makes motorcycling fun for everyone involved. The secret is the quality of our membership. We are current or past Rotarians or friends of the Rotary Organisation…and no matter your background we will make you welcome if you are interested in finding out more about us.
My measure of success is simply how many rides we can arrange and how many members and friends join in. Enjoying the rides and the fellowship is the name of the game. There are some fabulous rides coming up and although Western Australia seems more distant from the rest of the country than normal, I am looking forward to catching up with you on a ride in the year ahead.
My hope for the year ahead is that we can all enjoy our motorcycling.
Australian Chapter President 2021 - 2023
(Member since 2012)
Well it’s been over 32 years since the formation of the International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians, which was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Loxton, District 9520, South Australia, and gained official Rotary recognition on the 13th January 1992. link to IFMR History.
We’ve made a lot of great friends and memories over that time. I recommend the stories on our IFMR History page to you for interesting reading.
From those early years the number of Chapters (over 30) throughout the world has grown to cover most of the world and is still growing. Take a look at where they all are. IFMR Global Chapters,
Each of them function autonomously but are guided by our International Executive leadership team who seek out input from all Chapters.
IFMR members who travel overseas, should seek out these IFMR Chapters for fellowship and their local knowledge of the riding conditions. It will add to your travel experience.
Membership is open to all Rotarians and friends and those with Rotary ideals, who share an interest in motorcycling. One of the aims of this website is to promote the IFMR Australian Chapter to Rotarians and friends and the general public.
*The International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians
is a group of Rotarians dedicated to promoting Motorcycling as an opportunity for fellowship.
This fellowship operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by Rotary International.